The greenhouse effect
The earth is surrounded by a layer of gases which act like the glass walls of a greenhouse. These gases let the sun’s rays enter, but stop much of the heat from escaping. This is a natural process, and it’s these ‘greenhouse gases’ (mainly carbon dioxide and water vapour) that keep the planet warm enough to sustain life.
However, as humans cause more greenhouse gases to be released into the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect becomes stronger. More heat is trapped and the earth's climate begins to change unnaturally.
In the UK, around:
4 per cent of emissions come from industrial processes
7 per cent are from agriculture – for example methane emissions from livestock and manure, and nitrous oxide emissions from chemical fertilisers
21 per cent are from transport
65 per cent come from the use of fuel to generate energy (excluding transport)
40 per cent of emissions in the UK are the result of decisions taken directly by individuals. The biggest sources of emissions for most people are likely to be:
energy use in the home (the main use is heating)
air travel
Other things in people's homes contribute to climate change indirectly. Everything, from furniture to computers, from clothes to carpets, uses energy when it is produced and transported – and this causes emissions to be released.
Rising temperatures
The 1990s was the warmest decade in central England since records began in the 1660s. Summer heatwaves are now happening more frequently and in winter there are fewer frosts.
Globally, over the past century, the average temperature of the atmosphere near the earth’s surface has risen by 0.74 degrees Celsius. Eleven of the 12 hottest years on record occurred between 1995 and 2006.
Changing sea levels and temperatures
The sea level around the UK has risen
UK coastal waters have warmed by about 0.7 degrees Celsius over the past three decades. In addition, the average sea level around the UK is now about 10 cm higher than it was in 1900.
Globally, the sea level could rise by 18 to 59 cm by the end of the century. Rising sea levels would swamp some small, low-lying island states and put millions of people in all low-lying areas at risk of flooding.
You can use Google Earth to see how climate change could affect temperatures and ice caps over the next century. Google Earth also lets you view the loss of Antarctic ice shelves over the last 70 years.
Extreme weather
Since rain records began in 1766, the amount of winter rainfall in England and Wales has risen. Over the last 45 years it has also become heavier; in 2000, UK flooding was the worst for 270 years in some areas. Flood damage now costs Britain about £1 billion a year.
Globally, climate change means that extreme weather events – like floods, droughts and tropical storms – will become more frequent and dangerous.
Food and water
As temperatures increase and rainfall patterns change, crop yields are expected to drop significantly in Africa, the Middle East and India.
Water availability for irrigation and drinking will be less predictable because rain will be more variable. It is also possible that salt from rising sea levels may contaminate underground fresh water supplies in coastal areas. Droughts are likely to be more frequent. Up to three billion people could suffer increased water shortages by 2080.
With rising temperatures, diseases like malaria, West Nile disease, dengue fever and river blindness will shift to different areas. It is predicted that
290 million additional people could be exposed to malaria by the 2080s.
Friday, 29 January 2010
Target audience:
Gender: Male/female (predominantly female)
Age: 15-20
ABC: A, B, C & D
Religion: Any
Education: Any level of education. GCSE/A level/college
Marital status: single/in a relationship
Income: pocket money!
Nationality: Any
Someone who is social conscious, but is not aware of the outcomes of climate change/ global warming. However, knows about issues such as global warming. This person id dependant of modern technology such as phones, cars and computers. Likes to be around friends. He/ she is bubbly and lively and loves to have fun.
Likes: social outings, facebook (social networking), music, fashion labels, chocolate, watching TV
Dislikes: Nagging, people betraying their trust, healthy food, waiting at bus stops.
Gender: Male/female (predominantly female)
Age: 15-20
ABC: A, B, C & D
Religion: Any
Education: Any level of education. GCSE/A level/college
Marital status: single/in a relationship
Income: pocket money!
Nationality: Any
Someone who is social conscious, but is not aware of the outcomes of climate change/ global warming. However, knows about issues such as global warming. This person id dependant of modern technology such as phones, cars and computers. Likes to be around friends. He/ she is bubbly and lively and loves to have fun.
Likes: social outings, facebook (social networking), music, fashion labels, chocolate, watching TV
Dislikes: Nagging, people betraying their trust, healthy food, waiting at bus stops.

Why did you choose..

I chose Christian aid because I feel that they tackle issues strongly today and they help the world in every single way they can. They are most determined in the issue of climate change and global warming.
I chose Climate change because i don't feel that it is pointed out to people enough today. Im targeting my campaign at teenagers aged 15-20 because I feel this age range are mostly the ones we need to point these things out to because they don't realise the long-term effects and importance. I also think that this age range are the ones that are causing a fraction of it.
Advertising companies

Saatchi & Saatchi
Are a global advertising agency
Have offices in 80 different countries around the world
Their worldwide headquatres are in New york city.
-Largest clients include: Toyota, Procter& Gamble and General Mills
-worked with T-Mobile to produce the advert (life's for sharing) featured P!NK
-Founded by brothers Maurice & Charles
-born in a Jewish family born in Baghdad.
-Saatchi originally means "watch maker" in Turkish.
-World-wide CEO is Kevin Roberts
most recently produced a TV advert for the NSPCC, and for Cadburys.
Christian aid: The History
For more than 60 years, Christian Aid has fought poverty, strengthened the poor, and turned hope into action.
In the aftermath of World War II, British and Irish church leaders met, determined to do everything possible to help European refugees who had lost everything.
The name they gave themselves was Christian Reconstruction in Europe. Their purpose was not to evangelise, but to alleviate suffering for ordinary people, no matter what their faith.
Christian Reconstruction in Europe became a department of the British Council of Churches, and was eventually renamed the Department of Interchurch Aid and Refugee Service. In a decade, it raised £29,000.
Severe famines in Pakistan, Sudan and Ethiopia in the 1970s prompted a huge rise in public support for aid. However, it was becoming obvious that emergency relief wasn’t enough. What starving people needed was a genuine solution, not hand-outs.
We saw that it was not just an act of nature that made people poor, but political and economic decisions. Alongside traditional relief and development, we started to consider how to work for people’s rights.
We worked in the world’s hotspots: in Vietnam and Laos, destroyed by war; in Uganda after the overthrow of Idi Amin; in Nicaragua after the toppling of the dictator Somoza; and in Kampuchea (present-day Cambodia) after the fall of Pol Pot.
By now we were working in 40 countries, funding more than 100 long-term development projects.
In the 1990s Christian Aid became one of the first aid agencies to highlight ‘unsexy’ and complex global economic issues.
Our celebrated Banking on the Poor campaign alerted people to the need to cancel Third World debt, while the culpability of the World Trade Organisation and International Monetary Fund was exposed in our Who Runs the World? campaign.
We were not afraid to confront governments and challenge the rules of the day that said charities should be apolitical. This resolve helped change government trade policy and establish the Fairtrade Foundation - our campaigning works. Christian Aid was also quick to respond to humanitarian crises in Rwanda, the Middle East and, at the end of the decade, working across ethnic and religious divides in Serbia, Bosnia and Kosovo.
We also ran an enormously successful supermarket campaign, when hundreds of thousands of supporters handed in their till receipts to demand that their supermarkets use decent labour standards. Clare Short, then Secretary of State for International Development, appeared on the front page of the Independent, standing next to a giant lobster and bunch of grapes, at the launch of the campaign.
As we neared the new millennium, we were able to announce that world leaders had promised to deliver $100 billion in debt relief after our intense campaigning as part of the Jubilee 2000 coalition.
The 21st century has bought new challenges to Christian Aid. The so-called war on terror, climate change and the increasing number of natural disasters, and the fact that almost half the world’s population live on less than US$2 a day, mean our work is needed more than ever.
In 2007 our annual income was £86.5 million and we now work with more than 650 overseas partners in around 50 countries. We are putting into practice our aim of turning hope into action.
But 60 years on from our founding, the fact that we’re still here isn’t a victory.
The world isn’t getting any fairer. Children in Gaza are going to schools pockmarked with bullet holes. Parents are selling their daughters in marriage to earn the money so the family can survive a drought in Afghanistan. Life expectancy for women in Zimbabwe is now 34 years old – it was 65 just a decade ago. The income of some multinational companies exceeds that of entire countries.
So we won’t stop now. We’ll carry on tackling the causes of poverty. We’ll continue to support local organisations to deliver real, practical change. We’ll work so that everyone can fulfill their right to a decent life.
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
My work so far...Mock up's
This was my first mock-up.
I couldnt find any proper pictures of a teenage girl and tis girl looks younger. I think this was a good attempt because it depicts the whole of London going under the water because of climate change. One thing I could have improved on was that i could have put hints of the causes of climate change eg, spray cans
I like this one better, because it is very vivid
It does not really target the audience I was going for.
I couldnt find any proper pictures of a teenage girl and tis girl looks younger. I think this was a good attempt because it depicts the whole of London going under the water because of climate change. One thing I could have improved on was that i could have put hints of the causes of climate change eg, spray cans

It does not really target the audience I was going for.
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